iCare uCare Association 2020 Jan-Jun Education/Course Schedule

Leadership: Debate, Speech, Writing

STEM: Math (Grade 3-9), Computing & Algorithm, Science & Innovation.

Three levels for each area:

I: Easy, basic knowledge and skills.

II: Medium, Enrichment.

III: High end, Challenge.

iCare uCare Association

2020 January-June Planned Education Course List

Leadership Training: Courses in Debate, Speech, Writing, etc.

Science and Math Education: Math courses (Grade 2-10), Computer Programming and Algorithm courses, Science and Innovation courses.

Courses in each area are divided into three levels of difficulty:

I: Easy, covering basic knowledge and skills.

II: Medium, extending knowledge and becoming proficient.

III: Highly difficult, requiring deep thinking and challenging.

Our educational philosophy is centered on a student-centered flipped classroom, promoting interaction to make participants learn more proactively, and exercising leadership in the course, hoping that children benefit for life. We particularly welcome older students with expertise to participate in our teaching activities, exercise social practice skills, and iCare uCare Association will award special scholarships to outstanding children and provide volunteer activity certificates.

Math Philosophy: Elementary math is the foundation of all scientific technologies; math is not only calculation but also the source of a person’s logical thinking ability. Canada has some very meaningful math competitions that are suitably challenging and lean towards real-life problems, requiring abilities to analyze and solve problems. Encouraging children to participate is an excellent exercise opportunity.

We specially recommend and offer the following math competitions:

Caribou Contest: Grades 2-12, six online test opportunities each year, including some intellectual game questions.

Kangaroo Math Contest: Grades 1-12, March 22, 2020. Focusing on the mathematical abstraction of real-life problems.

Gauss Math Contest: <= Grade 8, May 13, 2020. University of Waterloo series focusing on basic mathematical knowledge and proficiency.

Pascal/Fermat Math Contest: <= Grade 9/10, February 25, 2020. University of Waterloo series focusing on basic mathematical knowledge and proficiency.

AMC-10: <= Grade 10, January 30, 2020. Prestigious American math competition, varying levels of difficulty, from very easy to very difficult, reflecting different levels of competence.

AMC-8: <= Grade 8, November 17, 2020. Prestigious American math competition, prepared for lower-grade students.

If you want to participate in the above competitions, since only a few schools will organize participation, please contact us in advance to arrange spots.

Categories: Events